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Examining the Pathways of Depression, Internet Use Outcome Expectancy and Internet Addiction in Female and Male College Students




Purpose: According Brand's (2014) model of generalized Internet addiction (GIA), an individual's positive expectancy for Internet activity is due to certain personal characteristics that make them vulnerable to overuse of the Internet. Previous studies have indicated that depression, the positive expectancy of internet use (PEIU), and the negative expectancy of internet use (NEIU) significantly predict internet addiction (IA). However, little research has addressed the role of NEIU in the development of IA. Based on a literature review, we proposed a pathway model linking depression, PEIU, NEIU, and IA. Since there are gender differences in IA, we examine the proposed model by gender. Methods: This study was part of a larger investigation of IA prevalence and psychosocial risks among college students in which participants were recruited to complete surveys from universities throughout Taiwan using both stratified and random cluster sampling. The valid samples consisted of 2,448 students (1,235 females and 1,213 males). Results: The analyses indicated that depression directly or indirectly predicted the level of NEIU for functional impairment (NEIUFI) through the PEIU for mood modulation (PEIUMD); NEIUFI mediated the relationship between PEIUMD and the level of IA. Furthermore, depression directly or indirectly predicted IA through the NEIUFI. The gender difference analysis showed that the path coefficients of depression in predicting PEIUMD and NEIUFI when mediated through PEIUMD were higher in females than in males. Conclusions: Results supported Brand's hypotheses on the role of PEIUMD. Our findings provide evidence illuminating the mediating role of NEIUFI in the association of depression with IA. Our results also indicate a relationship between PEIUMD and IA, which needs further examination with a longitudinal design.


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