  • 期刊


Factors Associated With Academic Readiness of Young Children With Special Needs: An Analysis From SNELS Data




This study aimed to examine the factors associated with academic readiness of children with special needs at age 5 in inclusive education settings and furthermore, to explore the predicting factors of academic readiness when controlling individual background variables of gender, disability categories and impact of disabilities. The data from "Special Needs Education Longitudinal Study" (SNELS) of 2009 were analyzed and processed through statistical methods, including one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression. The study found that: (a) there are significant differences in academic readiness among children with special needs due to their disability categories, parental education level, and family socioeconomic status; besides, impact of disabilities, parental participation, preschool education experiences, teacher's teaching competence, and peer relationships are significantly related to academic readiness of children with special needs as well; (b) as children's individual variables were controlled, parental participation, parental education level, preschool education experiences, teachers' teaching competence, and peer relationships are the effective predictors of academic readiness of children with special needs, especially peer relationships.


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